Suggested New Amendments for the U.S Constitution

Respectfully Suggested and Written by Brennan Dwyer



It is respectfully suggested that the United States Constitution is updated with new amendments that continue to represent the American people and continue to make sure that there is still a strong checks and balances system within the U.S government. In order to keep our democracy strong, some of these suggested new amendments explain that no form of corruption or conflict of interest shall be acted upon by any civil servant. The following should not be taken seriously from a legal standpoint unless if added to the U.S Constitution.


Amendment 28

No politician, whether a representative, governor, senator, or someone in the executive office may serve more than two elected terms. 

Amendment 29

There shall be no for-profit lobbying of any kind towards any government body, government official, or government organization.

Amendment 30

The draft is now and forever determined as unlawful and illegal, and there will be no selective service. 

Amendment 31

There shall be no gerrymandering coming from any political party, government employee, or civil servant.

Amendment 32

A president shall be elected only based directly on the number of votes, and not by the electoral college.

Amendment 33

The president shall act mostly as a figurehead that represents what the politicians and U.S citizens want, with a limited amount of executive power.

Amendment 34

Any worker on U.S soil shall be treated without discrimination in the workplace regardless of their sexuality, gender, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, religious viewpoint, political viewpoint, or any other key characteristic that may describe them.





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