Proposal for Bipartisanship

Respectfully Written by Brennan Dwyer




It is essential that politicians come together and create more bipartisan compromises, which could act as a win-win for both parties and benefit the greater good. Otherwise, in the long run legislation will likely continue to be repealed and replaced amongst both political parties, and act like a ‘back and forth pendulum swing’. Considering that political divisiveness seems to have only worsened, not much will likely get done from a policy standpoint unless if compromise is done between both Republicans and Democrats. Even from a cultural standpoint there seems to be a lot of political divisiveness amongst family and friends, and amongst many individuals on social media. This culture should become more open to everyone being more accepting of one another, regardless of someone’s ethnicity, gender, sexuality, nationality, belief, or political party.

The following is a list of possible bipartisan compromises that could possibly benefit both Republicans and Democrats, and hopefully be agreed upon by both parties.

  • Cuts in spending towards the large administrative costs and fees for healthcare within both the government and the private industry, in return for more price ceilings and regulation on the prices of pharmaceutical drugs in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • A gradual increase in minimum wage (as a gradual percent increase on the current minimum wage of each state) in return for tax credits for businesses that match up to the extra cost of the higher minimum wages that they are forced to pay. The tax credits could be funded by a combination of cuts in spending towards administrative costs and fees for healthcare, or other agreed upon cuts.
  • More border security (that is done in a humane and agreed upon way) in return for a higher intake of immigrants.
  • More emphasis on trade school.
  • More emphasis and more of an expansion on online k-12 learning, with the money that is saved from more online learning going towards funding normal k-12 education.
  • A business-friendly compromise to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the atmosphere, specifically by having a tax credit for corporations that are reducing their fossil fuel emissions, and a carbon tax for businesses with high fossil fuel emissions to make up for some or all of the lost tax revenue from the tax credit.
  • More education and awareness on how to prevent from getting an STD or becoming pregnant.
  • More background checks and mental health screenings, as well as limitations on the ownership of certain types of guns that statistically lead to the most gun deaths and mass shootings, in return for more freedoms to where someone can own and carry a gun.
  • More funding towards correctional education and other programs that are statistically proven to reduce recidivism rates, that could in the long run save money for the government due to the lower recidivism rates and lower crime rates.
  • A ban on corporate lobbying and special interest groups of any kind.

It is in the hopes of this proposal that those possible bipartisan compromises can be helpful for politicians and help at least lay out the foundation for more compromise. It is essential that compromise is taken now more than ever amongst politicians within the United States, which can benefit the greater good.  

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